Life in Herräng

Explore what the village has to offer

The village

Payment methods

A little guide about payment methods in Herräng

To ensure your experience is as seamless as possible, we have created this little guide about the different payment methods you can use both at camp and at local shops.

Sweden is moving towards a cashless economy, resulting in fewer places accepting cash. However, many Loppis (second-hand shops) can be found in the area and they often don’t accept cards. If you plan to explore Swedish treasures through thrifting, ensure you have some cash on hand! Additionally, while some local shops may only accept cards, it's important to note that Herräng Dance Camp continues to accept cash at all the facilities. Don't forget to bring 300 SEK for the bike deposit or 500 SEK for the key deposit of the private accommodations, as the deposit can only be paid in cash. We also accept Euros for the deposits (not in any other transaction), that is, 30 EUR for bikes and 50 EUR for private accommodation.
Credit/Debit card
Most places accept credit/debit cards, so don’t forget to bring yours. It will open almost all doors on your way!

Important note: Due to limitations with our payment service provider, we’re unable to accept American Express (AMEX) at camp.
Herräng Dance Camp pre-paid Card
These cards saw the light for the first time during the summer of 2023, offering benefits to all Herräng Dance Camp participants. They provide us all with a 5% discount on every facility owned by the camp, including restaurants, shop, café, bar, reception, as well as private and general accommodations. It is important to note that deposits must still be paid in cash!

Not only does it make camp more budget-friendly, it also speeds up the buying process for the cashiers, which means less queueing for those delicious coffees and banana breads.

While the card is non-refundable, it remains valid for 38 months from the date of purchase, covering three summer camps – and we all know time becomes relative when entering the camp. Of course, you can always sell your pre-paid card to someone else, or even pay it forward if you are feeling generous. Keep in mind that a lost card is lost money and a found card is found money; so be cautious and write your name on the card (but not on the black magnetic stripe).
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