Vision, mission and values


We build and foster a creative environment for the meeting of peoples who celebrate African American jazz culture: dance, music and arts in the Swedish countryside.


Herräng Dance Camp is an immersive experience that educates, entertains, and is a source of inspiration for the novice enthusiast to the accomplished dancer. A small seaside village in Sweden is the unique setting for a gathering of people from all over the world who love African-American Jazz Dance and celebrate its legacy through time.

Core values

Everyone has a right to express themselves through the art of dance, and a right to be recognized as an independent and equal human being, treated with dignity and respect. Dance can build growing, thriving, strong individuals as well as communities. Dance can boost engagement with a wider social agenda. Dance unites.
We really believe that dance (and being a part of a dance community) can contribute to a greater sense of belonging. We strive to credit the originators of jazz dance, highlighting its roots and keeping connected to the history (past and present) of Black culture. We will always acknowledge this in our work, and support the Black community.

HDC appreciates all forms of artistic expression, but has a special focus on the teachings of early 1900’s African-American jazz dances, as well as the modern dances inspired by them. We celebrate diversity. We really like dancing, and we love jazz dances in particular.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct translates HDC’s core values into practical and ethical standards, which everyone involved in the camp must agree to, in order to participate at camp. It helps us be clear and upfront about how the camp works and functions, what our stance is, and our expectations of others at HDC, regarding our behaviour, actions and attitudes.

We do not tolerate any harassment or discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, religion (if any), ability, age, social origin, physical appearance, body shape or size.

All camp participants - including employees, staff, volunteers, board, teachers, entertainers, as well as vendors, sponsors, collaborators, and visitors/guests/audience - are required to agree with the Code of Conduct in order to attend and participate in the camp. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the whole camp, including set up and crash down weeks, as well as in our year-round work. We expect all participants to cooperate and make sure that everybody feels safe and can have a great HDC experience.

What is harassment?

Any offensive comment or gesture related to any of the grounds of discrimination mentioned above is considered harassment, as is unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, imposing photography or recording. Whether this happens in person or online, it still counts as harassment.

Harassment can also manifest on a more subtle level and often flies under the radar. Sometimes harassment comes with comments like “it’s just a joke”, or "you’re too sensitive” and can be hard to detect or define, even for the person being subjected to it. We define harassment as: Any words or actions that violate someone's dignity or make them feel intimidated, degraded, humiliated, offended, or like they are in a hostile environment.


HDC staff will take appropriate actions against any participant engaging in harassing behaviour. The harasser may receive a warning, or get asked to leave the premise for any single class or event (social or dance related) during camp, or get expelled for the whole duration of camp, without a refund at the discretion of HDC. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

What to do

If you experience harassment first hand, or witness/notice it happening to somebody else - please contact us. Find any nearby staff, or go to the Reception to talk to someone in person. All HDC staff are well informed regarding our safety action plans (where to go and who to contact). You can also send an email, put a note in our mailbox outside Reception, or call this number + 46 (0)760 05 72 77.

HDC will assist and support you in dealing with any incident, and any issue will be treated with strict confidentiality. Please know that your safety is important to us, and that reporting incidents is a good thing! It means that we can keep them from being repeated. We will work with you on the appropriate and desired next steps, which may include elevating a concern to HDC’s board of directors, or contacting Swedish law enforcement.

Options for help

Find an organizer in-person via the front desk, Reception or any of our members of staff

Be a good dance partner

Respect others' boundaries both socially and in dancing. You decide if, when, how, and with whom you want to dance. You can say yes or no when asked to dance, without owing anyone an explanation. You are allowed to change your mind mid dance.

If a person turns you down when asking them for a dance, just be OK with it. Accept a no. If you sense any hesitation in their answer, take a step back, and ask someone else. Be responsive. Is your partner showing signs of discomfort, fatigue or pain? Ask if they want to rest, or if you can do anything to ease/not trigger their discomfort.

Agree on how you want to dance. Ask your dance partner if they are OK with a close embrace, or if they like dips or lifts. Establish this at the start of your dance.

Save the big moves and the acrobatics for jam circles, competitions, practice time, or the rare occasion where you have the dance floor completely to yourselves.

Health and safety

We have minors attending the camp, please do keep an extra eye out for them. If you are the caretaker of a minor, look after them appropriately.

Drink responsibly, if at all. If you see someone providing minors with drinks or cigarettes, please alert our staff. When it comes to other drugs, the camp has a non-tolerance policy and follows Swedish laws and regulations.

Keep an eye on your belongings. Even if HDC and Herräng are nice places with nice people, it is a public place and theft does happen. If you see any valuables being left unattended, with no one around, please bring them to Reception, so that we can keep it safely for the person missing their things.

Basics: Agree on how you want to dance. Respect a no. Please do not engage in partner dancing while being sick or injured. Wash your hands often. Remember to take your prescription medication. Eat and sleep enough. Take care of yourself. Listen to the music and to each other.


This Code of Conduct sets out what you can expect of us as organisers of HDC. If you feel that we have not lived up to our code (in spirit or in action) we will:
- Listen, reflect, and respond to your feedback.
- Engage in an open and constructive discussion with you about your concern.
- Take responsibility to review our actions, behaviours or conduct.

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